Open Traffic Counter (On Hold)

hardware traffic counter to measure quantity, speed of vehicles on road

Update: Spring 2017: This Project is not actively worked on. You are welcome to adopt this and lead this project.

At TCAMP in October 2016, a couple attendees discussed of how to measure the quantity, speeds, and types of vehicles traveling on a road. Building on work of; they were able to get a prototype working using an arduino. (Contact Josh K for technical background on the project.

Long Term Goals:

Currently, they’re running experiments to validate and fine-tune vehicle counting and speed detection. Next, they hope to add estimation of vehicle types (cars, semis, pedestrians) to the codebase and create a user guide to help less tech-savvy people assemble counters, and upload their data to a public repository.

Eventually, the group hopes to make ready-to-use counters available through local libraries and community organizations, and install a number of permanent counters which can automatically collect and submit data.

Where we are now:

  • Working prototype available

How you can help:

  • Refine working prototype (ask Josh K for current barriers, problems with the traffic counter)
  • Connect with alternative transportation organizations (Bike Cleveland, and NOACA) to confirm their interest and awareness (no formal contact has been made)

How to contact us:

  • email opencleveland at gmail dot com
